Malaysian Comrades
Banner Drop Action by Malaysian Comrades
We were told by friends in Malaysia that the transmission of the COVID-19 pandemic has gradually subsided since the pandemic struck earlier this year.
Until the Sabah state election was held on September 26. Power-mad politicians have campaigned in Sabah which at that time was spreading brutally this pandemic.
Politicians from Peninsular Malaysia, who originally came from controlled areas, entered Sabah which at the time was experiencing a contagious outbreak had campaigned to ensure their party won. And then brought the epidemic of the disease back to the Peninsular thus triggering new infections and clusters when the virus spreads again.
As a result of politicians not taking care of these SOPs and quarantine, the situation in Malaysia today is getting worse where the people are restless with the new wave that is hitting soon. Politicians are blaming the people again for the new wave as if the people are not following the SOP and social distancing.
Malaysians to some extent began to reject these irresponsible politicians because they did not take seriously the issue of involving the health of the people.
The people are fed up with dirty politics and political coups that are more important than the health of the people. Because of that, the people began to show their dissatisfaction through various mediums, to make politicians aware of the courage to take responsibility for the no and the mistakes they have made.
Friends there demanded that these politicians step down from their respective seats because they had failed in managing the well-being of the people.
Salute Malaysian friends!
Bahasa Melayu
Kami diberitahu oleh kawan-kawan di Malaysia bahawa penularan pandemik COVID-19 telah beransur reda sejak pandemik melanda awal tahun ini. dari Semenanjung Malaysia, yang asalnya datang dari kawasan yang terkawal, memasuki Sabah yang pada ketika itu sedang mengalami penularan wabak telah turun berkempen bagi memastikan parti mereka menang. Dan kemudiannya membawa pulang wabak penyakit ini semula ke Semenanjung sehingga mencetuskan penularan dan kluster baharu apabila virus tersebut merebak semula.
Akibat politikus yang tidak menjaga SOP dan kuarantin ini, keadaan Malaysia hari ini semakin meruncing di mana rakyat kembali gelisah dengan gelombang baru yang melanda. Politikus-politikus akhirnya menyalahkan rakyat semula akibat penularan kembali seolah-olah rakyat yang tidak mengikuti SOP dan penjarakkan sosial.
Rakyat Malaysia sedikit sebanyak mula menolak ahli-ahli politik yang tidak bertanggungjawab ini kerana tidak memandang serius tentang perihal melibatkan kesihatan rakyat.
Rakyat sudah muak dengan politik kotor dan rampasan kuasa politik yang lebih diutamakan berbanding kesihatan rakyat. Kerana itu rakyat mula menunjukkan rasa ketidakpuasan hati mereka melalui pelbagai medium, untuk menyedarkan politikus agar berani bertanggungjawab atas tidakkan dan kesalahan yang telah mereka lakukan.
Kawan-kawan di sana menuntut agar politikus ini berundur dari kerusi masing-masing kerana mereka telah gagal dalam mengendali kesejahteraan rakyat.
Salut Rakyat Malaysia!
Banner Drops