Simoun Magsalin
Against Carceral Communism, For Abolition Communism! [en]

While the anarchists and abolitionists exclaim “ACAB! All Cops Are Bad,” the pitiful spectacle of the carceral communists would instead amend “ACAB” with drivel saying, “it’s ACCAB, All Capitalist Cops Are Bad.” They continue, “socialist cops are not bad because they are proletarian in character and protect the proletarian State.” Such convolution is mistaken in its belief that police can somehow have a proletarian character when historically the institutions of policing and incarceration were established to cement the rule of capital over proletarians. Not to mention that the notion that “socialist” cops protect the common good against criminal or “counterrevolutionary” elements is identical in content to bourgeois police apologia.

2023年1月25日 阅读全文… 16页

Simoun Magsalin
Contra o Comunismo Carcerário, pelo Comunismo Abolicionista! [pt]

Enquanto as anarquistas e abolicionistas exclamam “ACAB1! Todos os Policiais são Ruins!,” o espetáculo patético que são as comunistas carcerárias descartariam “ACAB” com vontade, dizendo “é ACCAB, Todos os Policiais Capitalistas são Ruins.” E elas continuam, “policiais socialistas não são ruins porque eles tem um caráter proletário e protegem o Estado proletário.” Essa enrolação erra por acreditar que a polícia pode de alguma maneira ter um caráter proletário quando historicamente as instituições de policiamento e encarceramento foram estabelecidas para consolidar a dominação do Capital sobre o proletariado. Isso sem mencionar que a noção de que policiais “socialistas” protegem o bem comum de criminosos e elementos “contrarrevolucionários” é idêntica ao apologismo burguês da polícia.

2023年1月25日 阅读全文… 16页

Simoun Magsalin
Towards an Anarchism in the Philippine Archipelago [en]

There is a necessity for a liberatory politics in the Archipelago known as the Philippines and as anarchists we think Anarchism has the framework to fill this need. The dominant forms of politics we have now are insufficient for developing a liberatory politics in the archipelago. This liberatory politics becomes a necessity because politics in the Philippines is currently an alienating affair—a politics done to people rather than people doing politics. We are also dominated by domineering structures and institutions like the market, capitalism, and the state. Against these we forward the liberatory politics of anarchism for a world beyond domination.

2020年12月30日 阅读全文… 42页

Simoun Magsalin
ချုပ်နှောင်မှုများကို ဆန့်ကျင့်၍ စနစ်များကို ဖြိုချဖျက်ဆီးသော ကွန်မြူနစ်ဝါဒီဆီသို့! [mya]

မင်းမဲ့ဝါဒီသမားတွေနဲ့ စနစ်များကို ဖြိုချဖျက်ဆီးတဲ့သူတွေက “ACAB! (All Cops Are Bad) ရဲဆို ဘယ်ရဲမှ မကောင်းဘူး” လို့ ကြွေးကြော်ကြတယ်။ ထိန်းချုပ်ချုပ်နှောင်မှုကို အားပေးတဲ့ သနားစရာကောင်းတဲ့ ကွန်မြူနစ်တွေကတော့ “ACAB” ကို “ACCAB” (All Capitalist Cops Are Bad) အရင်းရှင်ရဲတွေကသာ မကောင်းတာပါဆိုပြီး ပြင်ပြောကြတယ်။ သူတို့က “ဆိုရှယ်လစ် ရဲတွေက မဆိုးပါဘူး ဘာလို့လဲဆိုတော့ သူတို့ကလည်း အောက်ခြေလုပ်သား (proletarian) တွေဖြစ်ပြီး အောက်ခြေလုပ်သားနိူင်ငံကို ကာကွယ်ပေးနေတာပဲ” လို့ ဆက်ပြောလေ့ရှိကြတယ်။

2023年1月25日 阅读全文… 27页

Simoun Magsalin
反对支持警察监狱的共产主义,支持主张废除警察监狱的共产主义 Abridged Translation(摘要) [zh]

(NOTE: This translation is abridged and incomplete.)

2022年12月23日 阅读全文… 3页