Ngô Văn
In the Crossfire Adventures of a Vietnamese Revolutionary [en]

Although the Vietnam War is still well known, few people are aware of the decades of struggles against the French colonial regime that preceded it, many of which had no connection with the Stalinists (Ho Chi Minh’s Communist Party). The Stalinists were ultimately victorious, but only after they systematically destroyed all the other oppositional currents. This book is the story of those other movements and revolts, caught in the crossfire between the French and the Stalinists, told by one of the few survivors.

Feb 8, 2021 Read the whole text... 281 pp.

Mikhail Isaiah
Israel sebagai Bangsa Anarkis Kegagalan Raja-Raja Manusia [id]

Feb 14, 2021 Read the whole text... 18 pp.

Mikhail Isaiah
Israel sebagai Bangsa Anarkis Allah Satu-Satunya Raja [id]

Feb 14, 2021 Read the whole text... 12 pp.

Anonymous, KCBG, Narcissa Black
I Want To Kill Cops Until I’m Dead [id]

Oct 19, 2021 Read the whole text... 30 pp.

Tim Katalis
Johann Most [id]

Feb 25, 2021 Read the whole text... 7 pp.

Ameyuri Ringo
Kanno Sugako “Anda mungkin bisa hidup seratus tahun lamanya, namun apalah artinya hidup tanpa kebebasan–kehidupan perbudakan?” [id]

Jan 31, 2021 Read the whole text... 6 pp.