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Buddhist Anarchists for Myanmar
To ensure that victory is achieved and peace is lasting, revolutionaries, especially those who are Buddhists, should consider these ideas. [en]
Mèo Mun
The Fight for Partial Freedom in Vietnam
And how liberals are the only one pretending to care [en]
Western leftists, communists, and anarchists alike routinely call for ‘unity’ with the authoritarian oppressors in their favourite ‘socialist’ states. They value a cheap, doomed-to-end-in-failure unity with the statists, the genocide deniers, and the red reactionaries, more than the well-being and liberation of marginalised groups.
Rikki Rikardo
Marxis Otonomis?
Makhluk Apalagi Itu? [id]
Kebangkitan radikalisme antiotoritarian di ujung abad ke-20 ditandai dengan adanya perkembangan beragam gerakan politik baru, di antaranya adalah kelompok-kelompok anarkis dalam beragam variannya dan juga kelompok-kelompok politik lainnya yang menyerap kecenderungan Marxian.
Mèo Mun
Queerphobia in Vietnam
Is queerphobia in Vietnam a mere product of colonialism, and does it matter? [en]
There is a tendency in some post-colonial societies to blame all social ailments, such as queerphobia, sexism, and misogyny, on colonialism and Western imperialism. Whilst the evils and destructiveness of colonialism are indubitably pervasive, such reductive thinking is overly simplistic, and can be detrimental to marginalised groups in post-colonial societies.